Welcome to Brevard Alliance Rescuing K9's (B.A.R.K.)

Our Mission

To deter, prevent, and rescue abandoned dogs in Brevard County  Florida.

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       2/24/24 New Rescue                   Marshall

After several days of tracking, we were finally able to get this beautiful dog whom we named Marshall, because we found him in the marsh. He is safe for now and tomorrow he will go to the Vet for a check-up

If interested in fostering please contact us so we can get you an application

Help us SAve the Dogs

To all of our supporters and followers, on 5/3/24 there was an incident that occured on the SW end of Madden street off of J.A. Bombardier Blvd, a large group of teenagers were gathering for what we assume was a party, a fire was lit and when the police and fire department showed up they were told they were in a group looking for a dog. I can assure you none of the people there were associated with B.A.R.K. I want to assure everyone we do not use those type of tactics in our pursuit of animals. We always use the most humane ways a capturing an animal, and will never use any type of scare tactics to capture an animal. Our ultimate goal is to get any animal back to it's owner or foster the animal safely.


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